What are the categories for applications of residency?

There are many categories of residence instructions. Those most often used are:


These are available to those seeking to establish and operate a business, or invest capital in New Zealand. There are sub categories, these are:

Investor 1 and 2

Entrepreneur Work and Residence Visa 


Available to those seeking re-unification with family members (including children and partners) already in New Zealand or who are citizens or residence visa holders. These cases are often considered the easy ones. But they are often the cases that encounter problems.

New Zealand citizens or residents who have obtained residence as the partner of the principle applicant or under partnership instruction can face restrictions on their ability to bring a new partner or spouse to New Zealand.

Recent changes to acceptance criteria have restricted the ability of parents to join resident children. The use of the Expression of Interest process for parents can cause long delays. Errors in the Expression of Interest can often result in the residence visa application being declined and rights of appeal being lost.

Skilled migrant

This is available to those with recognised qualifications and skills. The process is on a 'points' system, which is complex. The system is geared towards those who have jobs that are considered skilled.

Many people miscalculate their points using self-assessment tools. Mistakes made in the Expression of Interest can often cause the permanent residence application to be declined.

Residence from work

This is a special category allowing a person to work their way to gaining residence. This is limited to those with highly sought skills and qualifications or job offers carrying a set level salary from employers who have gained a special status with Immigration New Zealand.


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