Stay Informed
Newsletter - March 2025
With only about a month to go before the clocks wind back and we lose an hour of daylight, it feels like summer has flown by. Much of the country has seen hot, dry weather, so for some, the arrival of cooler temperatures may be a welcome change. The year is well underway, and there’s plenty happening—especially in areas like interest rates and the labour market. While 2025 is bringing its fair share of challenges, we’re also starting to see some positive signs of growth.
On the immigration front, there have been some notable changes. The biggest updates include the revamp of the investor visa category and the introduction of new “digital nomad” rules, allowing visitors to work remotely while holidaying in New Zealand. The Government is clearly focused on attracting both tourism dollars and new investment into the country.
In this month’s newsletter, we cover key updates in employment law and discuss the use of personal guarantees. We also take a closer look at the rise in property listings, the latest changes to the investor visa program, and what the rollout of digital nomad rules means for New Zealand.
Property Listings Up, Interest Rates Down
Media reports are coming out fast and strong claiming that there has been a surge in property listings and making all sorts of predictions for residential property in the year ahead.
This increase number of property listings, coupled with a drop in asking prices and lower mortgage rates have created what is referred to as a buyer's market. Assuming of course thar buyers have confidence in long-term job stability and economic growth.
Unjustified Dismissals - Update
The Employment Relations Amendment Bill is expected to pass in 2025 which will preclude employees who earn an income of more than $180,000 (base pay) from being able to raise a personal grievance for unjustified dismissal.
Newsletter - January 2025
As we welcome in the new year (most of us are in the full swing of it already), it's the perfect time to plan ahead and set yourself up for success in the months ahead. The Turner Hopkins team, are kicking off the year with a commitment to keeping you informed, updated, and ready to navigate any legal challenges that may come your way.
In this first blog for 2025, we’ll share some practical tips to help you protect your interests, make informed decisions, and stay ahead in both your personal and professional life. From property and business law to family matters and estate planning, we’ll provide some useful tips that will help you to navigate some of the challenges a new year can bring. We also welcome two new members of staff to the Turner Hopkins team as well as celebrating the promotion of another.
Personal Guarantees
In New Zealand's commercial landscape, personal guarantees are a crucial tool for securing transactions. Over recent months, there has been a noticeable increase in disputes surrounding personal guarantees, especially regarding their enforceability and validity.
A personal guarantee is a legal commitment where an individual (the guarantor) agrees to fulfil the obligations of a debtor (often a company) if that debtor defaults on a loan or other contractual obligation.
This assurance provides an extra layer of security for creditors, making it easier for businesses to obtain financing or secure business contracts. If you are a director, you need to have a clear understanding of what your obligations are when signing a personal guarantee.
Newsletter - November 2024
Welcome to our final newsletter for 2024 - with the holiday season almost upon us, the last few weeks before Christmas can often be quite overwhelming.
So, we thought we would wrap things up a little early as well as provide you with a few things to contemplate (in terms of your legal affairs) of the beach and BBQ period. We also thought it would be a good time to remind everyone that as the year winds down, any last minute legal matters should be attended to as quickly as possible.
If you need our assistance before the year ends, please make sure you in get in touch with one of our team soon as possible (our holiday hours are listed at the end of this article).
Newsletter - October 2024
This time of the year always feels pretty chaotic (which is why our October newsletter is arriving on 01 November!)…the days are quickly ticking by as we approach Christmas and the silly season slowly descends upon us. There are often too many engagements, gatherings and social events to keep up with and essential life admin, gets put on the back-burner. So to keep things light and as a bit of a break from our usual newsletter contents, this month, it’s all about the people - our people.
We know that dealing with the law can be a very daunting prospect for clients, even those who have been through the process before, and so we take great pride in being approachable, listening to what our clients need and being able to explain the possible options in simple, clear terms. The video introductions on this page, hopefully give you some insight in to that approach and how our people do what they do.
First Home Buyers - Timing It Right
At Turner Hopkins, we understand that the journey to homeownership is a significant milestone, and for many first home buyers, it can feel both exciting and overwhelming. Recent market trends suggest that now could be a particularly good time to make your move.
With a cooling property market, more opportunities are emerging for first-time buyers to secure a home at a competitive price. Property listings have increased, and housing prices in certain areas have stabilized, meaning less competition and more room to negotiate. This shift is providing a rare window for first home buyers to get onto the property ladder without the intense bidding wars that were commonplace just a year ago.
Newsletter - September 2024
Spring appears to have sprung across New Zealand, and it feels like a great time to refresh and reflect as we push forward towards the end of the year. In this month’s blog, we explore key topics in family law, employment law, and immigration – all areas that might come into focus during this season of change. Whether you’re navigating family dynamics, dealing with workplace issues, or considering your path to residency in New Zealand (or how to stay here), our latest articles offer insights and guidance to help you make informed decisions.
We also look forward to daylight savings rolling out this weekend, making the days longer, which we hope will be followed by some warmer weather. There is a lot of expectation in the air as we await another Reserve Bank announcement in October. With business confidence slowly but steadily rising, it does feel a little like spring has brought a new sense of optimism.
Newsletter - August 2024
Just a little over four months until we reach the end of the year and what a year it has been. The Olympics are over and New Zealand managed to pull of a spectacular showing, securing more gold medals than any other Olympic games in history. The Reserve Bank also dropped the official cash rate for the first time in over four years, to the surprise of at least 50 percent of all economists.
This month we have a variety of articles and news from the team, including details on how to be your own boss, and an update on our service offerings for clients, immigration updates from your specialist immigration team, as well as a plug for two very worthwhile charitable causes.
Shareholders Agreements
What is a Shareholders Agreement and why does my company need one?
The short answer is that if you are the sole shareholder of your company then you don’t. A shareholders agreement becomes relevant when there is more than one owner.
A shareholder’s agreement is a contract between the owners of a company designed to document each owners’ rights, responsibilities, and expectations relating to how the company will operate.
Be Your Own Boss
Have you been dreaming of becoming your own boss?
There are of course many upsides to owning your own business. Are you considering the shift from employee to business owner? Or perhaps you are looking to expand your current business by purchasing a complementary or competitors’ business.
Here are our top 5 tips for purchasers to consider when deciding to buy a business in New Zealand.
Newsletter - July 2024
July is almost done and while there is still a definite nip in the air, the days are slowly getting just that little bit longer, and hopefully will become a little bit warmer. The second half of 2024 is now upon us and whilst there are still plenty of challenges out there for many, here is hoping the next six months brings some more of those potential winds of (positive) change.
This month, we have compiled information on sale and purchase agreements from our property team, as well as a detailed discussion on cross-leases. Our immigration team have a useful case study for any migrant looking to make the move here (or for those, already here who want to stay) and we finish off with a video from our private client team, answering some key questions on trusts and wills.
Newsletter - June 2024
Survive to 2025, seems to be the motto for 2024. There is no doubt that times are tough out there for many people and businesses and as we reach the mid-point of the year, with winter setting in, it is a good time to take stock and think about how you might make it through the next six months.
Our employment law team have some sage advice on social media and staff commentary as well as getting the restructuring process right. We also take a look at how to manage your debtors in this tougher climate as well as the results of our recent net promoter score survey.
Newsletter - May 2024
The winter chill seems to have arrived early this year, with May bringing some very cool temperatures across the country, along with a very sudden cold snap. We were however treated to a spectacular display of lights over the country as the earth was subjected to a solar storm - a fair few of us braved the colder nights to take some incredible photos (the above was one taken by one of the team).
Despite the longer nights and cooler temperatures, the team at Turner Hopkins have been keeping warm, by keeping very busy.
Babies With Bath Water
Twenty years in this business and I have seen plenty of ups and downs, particularly when it comes to the way INZ processes applications. Over that time, I have also seen how easily, good quality applicants can be caught out by INZ simply taking a different approach to all applicants.
These ups and downs also tend to happen as the political winds change direction and right now we are seeing exactly that as the new coalition Government is trying to clean up the mess left by the previous Government.
Newsletter - April 2024
Blink and you will miss it…Easter has been and gone and we are now near the end of the fourth month in 2024. The colors of autumn are everywhere and the days are shorter, and getting a little cooler as we gradually move into winter.
With many businesses working through financial year end, now is a good time to start planning ahead for the next 12 months and with tighter economic conditions out there, the more planning ahead you can do, the better.
Newsletter - March 2024 (March Madness)
March madness has its origins in various places because for some reason this particular month creates an unusual degree of chaos in various quarters. In the US it is synonymous with the start of the basketball season, bringing a rush of tournaments and players to the front and centre of the American sporting calendar.
In New Zealand (and particularly in Auckland) it is often associated with a sudden increase in traffic, as students are all back at school, including the Universities. That of course translates to longer commute times and everyone realising that summer holiday are in fact over and we are now really back at work for the year…
Newsletter - February 2024
Love is in the air this month with February bringing us Valentine’s day (love it or otherwise) and cause to celebrate relationships in all their shapes and sizes. To keep with the theme of the month, Februarys newsletter is all about love and relationships.
Our Family Law team have produced an insightful article on some of the more practical elements of love, as well as demystifying some of the legal concepts involved with a life with your better half.
We also take a look at the process to bring in your loved one from offshore, if love has found you in another country, and take a look at some of the common pitfalls people experience in the partnership Visa process.